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WomenLift Health

WomenLift Health

Rethinking Imposter Syndrome

5 September @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EAT

Limited Spots. Welcome! To join the event, please register below.

About the Workshop

In this two-hour workshop, you will:  

  • Recognize imposter syndrome and look for ways to overcome it. 

  • Focus on learning from specific experiences that are highly relevant.

  • Identify experiences that will prepare you to lead more effectively within the context of your job, role, and organization

Imposter syndrome was first identified in 1978 by two psychologists, Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes. In a study of female academics, they found that many women felt that they weren’t deserving of their accomplishments. According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), imposter syndrome is “a psychological pattern in which people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a ‘fraud’.” As a result, they engage in self-sabotage, overworking and depression. 

In 2021, WomenLift Health developed a discovery report that surveyed the experiences of women leaders in East Africa, North America, and South Asia. Our report found that 41.7% of East African women classified “lack of confidence” as a top barrier to advancing into leadership positions. According to an article in Fast Company “Imposter syndrome is a common experience among all women but has had a lasting impact amongst Black women that often hinders their ability to openly vocalize achievements and regularly share their successes”. As evidenced in our Discovery report, women and women of color often wait for others to see their potential, while their male counterparts apply a “go for it” attitude regardless of qualifications. While building confidence often occurs over time, identifying ways to mitigate self-doubt remains an ongoing challenge. Further A KPMG study finds, “75% of female executives across industries have experienced imposter syndrome in their careers, which is a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt that makes them continuously doubt if they are qualified enough for the job”. “For women, biases and stereotypes in the workplace can foster and exacerbate those feelings of not belonging..”

Recent publications also argue that imposter syndrome is not an innate feeling that women are born with but in fact, it is the result of facing repeated exclusion and systemic bias. While we must collectively hold the system accountable, those of us who experience imposter syndrome also need strategies to counter it. We believe in the expertise, talent, and capacity of women leaders and we look forward to advancing your leadership and learning from your experience!  

Registration Details

Thursday, September 5, 2024 2pm-4pm EAT/ 1pm-3pm CAT

You are eligible for the workshop if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • Identify as a woman

  • Live, work in, and are citizens of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania or an other Anglophone country in Africa

  • Are a health professional (public health or global health)

This virtual workshop will be conducted in English and is free of charge.

Enrollment will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Spots are limited. Note that submission of a registration form does not guarantee a spot in the workshop. Registrants should await an email confirming their spot in the workshop within two weeks of registering.

Although all career stages are welcome to register, we believe participants who are at the mid-career stage will benefit most since the content of the workshop has been designed with mid-career women health professionals in mind (10+ years of experience working in public and global health). If the volume of registrants exceeds our capacity, women who are within the desired experience range will be given priority.

Registrants should await an email confirming their spot in the workshop within two weeks of registering.

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