WomenLift Health 2024 Evaluation Report

WomenLift Health Annual Evaluation Report

WomenLift Health 2024 Evaluation Report

Established in 2019, WomenLift Health (WomenLift) aims to expand the power and influence of women leaders to transform health outcomes for women, girls, and vulnerable populations and be change agents for inclusive leadership. WomenLift works through regional hubs in East Africa, India, North America, and Southern Africa to deliver contextualized leadership development programs to serve thousands of mid- to- senior women leaders around the world, equipping them with tools, networks and support systems to navigate their path to the highest decision- making levels in health It supports health institutions and their leaders to advance gender equality and, is a thought-leader, generating evidence and supporting national and global convenings to contribute to societal change. WomenLift partners with Bixal—a research and consulting company—to support their monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) work. Bixal completed the data collection, analysis, and reporting for this 2024 annual evaluation. This evaluationfocuses on the Leadership Journey as a core piece of the WomenLift strategy.