Francelle Kwankam Toedtli

Technical Specialist, sexual and reproductive health and rights and maternal health, UNFPA
Francelle Kwankam Toedtli, Technical Specialist, sexual and reproductive health and rights and maternal health, UNFPA

Francelle Kwankam Toedtli is a public health specialist, a women’s health and rights advocate and a sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) expert.

She has over 15 years of global health experience across international contexts in technical support, program design and management focusing on some of the most salient public health challenges. For nearly a decade she has committed herself to strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Francelle has worked with United Nations agencies including her current role at UNFPA, and previously, the World Health Organization, as well as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Ipas as well as in the private sector.

She develops evidence-based technical guidance, provides strategic direction, delivers technical assistance and supports thought leadership on comprehensive abortion care as part of an integrated approach to ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights for individuals in all their diversity.

While at Ipas she managed a portfolio of policy and advocacy, health systems and community engagement programs focused on expanding access to SRHR across a number of African countries (Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa).

Her previous experience also includes designing and managing multiple healthcare projects in the Middle East through public-private partnerships.

Francelle holds a Master of Science degree in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University. She is also fluent in French.

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