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WomenLift Health

WomenLift Health

Effectively Navigating Organisational Politics | PowerUp Workshop South Asia

30 January, 2024 @ 15:00 - 17:30 UTC+5.5

Limited Spots. Welcome! To join the event, please register below.

About the Workshop
Effectively Navigating Organisational Politics Organisational politics—influence tactics at the workplace to improve personal or organizational interests— can often be polarising, particularly for women leaders. Moreover, due to systemic gender biases, women are often denied the space, coaching, and ownership to explore the challenges they face at the workplace, often leaving them with limited choices when it comes to organisational politics: embracing it as a necessary evil, engaging half-heartedly, or refusing to engage altogether, despite the potential negative impact on their careers. This workshop aims to deconstruct and demystify terms that typically elicit negative perceptions such as workplace politics, political skills, and political savvy. Through this interactive session, we demonstrate that politics are a neutral and natural part of everyday life in organisations that offer crucial opportunities, connections, and resources for women leaders to bolster their careers. Research has found that politically savvy leaders have better career prospects, are seen as more promotable, and are less likely to have derailed careers. This workshop is designed to equip mid-career women leaders working in public or global health in South Asia with the understanding and skills to navigate organisational politics as a strategic and necessary choice for their growth.
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