Institutional Influence
Institutions must transform systems and cultures in order for women to thrive.
The institutional benefits of investing in leadership development for women in mid-and early senior positions is clear, yet to achieve gender equality in the workplace, the systems and cultures in which women work must be transformed. This includes appropriate policies like pay equity, paid parental leave and flexible work arrangements for both women and men. It also means fostering a culture where sexual harassment, discrimination and bias are not tolerated.

Over nine months, we engaged leaders from public, private, and multilateral GHIs and explored the ecosystem of leadership resources and actors. See our brief on “Supporting Leaders to Drive Institutional Change for Gender Equality within Global Health Institutions.”
Institutions need to be proactive in driving change and also providing women with more leadership training and mentorship opportunities, and equipping women with the tools, skills and guidance needed to navigate and address obstacles to advancement.
As part of the WomenLift Health Leadership Journey, we are developing training and coaching elements that help women identify and address barriers within their institutions. We are also including ways to incorporate C-suite leadership from each individual’s organization into the Leadership Journey experience.
Over time, WomenLift Health will engage with institutions committed to women’s leadership to support and drive forward efforts to tackle the systematic barriers that hold women back.