Aparna Chakravarty is a pediatrician and her medical journey started from Guwahati Medical College in Assam. Her 20 years of experience include working at AIIMS, New Delhi and SickKids, Toronto. She completed her fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases from University of Toronto and later pursued her Masters in infectious disease from the prestigious London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. After training abroad she returned back and joined academia as Assistant Professor Pediatrics at HIMSR, Delhi. Her interest in community pediatrics made her visit the rural health training centre of the department of community medicine and research on infant and young child nutrition and infection prevention.
She is currently working as Associate Professor Pediatrics and heading the Pediatric Infectious Department at Amrita Hospital, Faridabad. Her work involves clinical care, teaching and one health research. She is striving along with her team for an Infectious Disease Centre of Excellence in the country. She believes that good leadership is work done with integrity and good communication with all stakeholders.