Dr. Jema Leonia Bisimba

Deputy Health Office Senior Advisor
Dr. Jema Leonia Bisimba, Senior health policy advisor, USAID

Jema Bisimba is a Medical doctor and Public Health Specialist with over 15 years of progressive experience in designing, implementing and leading complex programs as program manager, team leader, and policy advisor with USAID and other international and local organizations.

She is currently the Senior health policy advisor with USAID health office, working with the health team to provide leadership in planning, implementing, and monitoring of health sector strategic plans. She is the Primary Impact advisor, a Global health Bureau initiative at USAID Washington aimed at accelerating primary health care services in seven focus countries (five in Africa and two in Asia), to address inequities in the global health.

She has been the chair for Development Partners Group for health, providing technical leadership to 22 members including bilateral and multi-lateral development partners supporting the health sector through Sector Wide Approach (SWAp). She is the member of the Global Fund Country Coordinating mechanism providing technical oversight for the Malaria, TB, HIV and Health systems strengthening grants to ensure alignment with USG and USAID health priorities.

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