Elizabeth Doggett

Senior Technical Advisor, Gender, Jhpiego
Elizabeth Doggett, Senior Technical Advisor, Gender, Jhpiego

Elizabeth Doggett is a feminist health professional with 19 years of experience in direct patient care and global public health program and policy work. At Jhpiego, she is a Senior Technical Advisor for Gender, working to advance gender equality in health programs; especially those related to maternal and newborn health, sexual and reproductive health, vaccination, mental wellness, and women’s leadership in the health workforce. As a registered nurse, she worked in a surgical gynecological practice and an out-of-hospital birth center and gynecology and primary care clinic for women and transgender patients. She has also taught nursing students in maternal, newborn, and reproductive health and in community health. She holds bachelor’s degrees in Women’s Studies, Creative Writing, and Nursing from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and a Master of Arts degree in Women’s Studies and Public Policy from University at Albany. She is also a mother, nature lover, and is active in volunteer pursuits in her home city of Durham, NC.

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