Dr. Maricianah Onono

Ag Director Scientific Programs and Partnerships | Senior Principal Clinical Research Scientist, Kenya Medical Research Institute
Maricianah Atieno Onono

Dr. Maricianah Onono is a Senior Principal Clinical Research Scientist and the acting director of scientific programs, partnerships, and grant management at the Kenya Medical Research Institute. Dr. Onono is experienced in leading human-centered research that drives impact on critical public health issues.

She oversees the development and execution of multi-site clinical trials, designing clinical strategies to ensure high-quality protocol development, managing study teams, directing the execution and monitoring of study-related activities, and conducting data interpretation. Besides study execution, she advances collaborative research by developing and implementing the funding strategy, building partnerships locally, regionally, and internationally with Ministries of Health, NGOs/ INGOs, academic institutions, and donors, authoring peer-reviewed publications (over 90 peer-reviewed publications), and delivering high-impact scientific presentations at local and international conferences and stakeholder events.

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