Sonal Saxena

Director Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
Sonal Saxena, Director Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
I did my MBBS and MD (Microbiology) from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi where I head the department of microbiology since 2020. I started the State level VRDL (ICMR) at MAMC and the Delhi network of AMR Surveillance (DeNSAR). I was the Nodal officer-COVID-19 Laboratory, State nodal officer for AMR Surveillance, Laboratory Coordinator for Delhi’s COVID-19 sero-survey nos. 2 to 4. I received the WHO fellowship on “Antimicrobial resistance” at ICHAR, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Eminent Medical and Health Education Teacher Award in 2022 by Delhi Medical Association, RA Bhujwala Award for contribution to medical Microbiology by IAMM Delhi Chapter, 2020,. My area of interest include medical education and antimicrobial resistance. I was the WHO Resource person to develop National Antimicrobial Stewardship Program for Government of Maldives, WHONET software training at Nepal and India. I joined the two years FAIMER fellowship in 2021 and successfully completed it in 2023. I have published more than 80 articles and supervised 20 MD thesis. I was the Co-editor and Writer of Parasitology section of “Ananthanarayan & Paniker Textbook of Microbiology” 12th edition, University Press, 2021 and was gven the responsibility of full editorshsip in 2023 for 13th edition. I also edited the Ananthanarayan & Paniker Textbook of Microbiology for nurses, 2nd edition. I was elected as member of Executive Committee of my association Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists or IAMM, later I became Joint secretary and finally secretary of IAMM in 2023. I became the first woman to be elected as Secretary in 46 years of history of our association.
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