Vandana Bhatia

Health Specialist
Vandana Bhatia, Health Specialist, UNICEF
Dr Vandana Bhatia, MD Preventive & Social Medicine, LTTMG Sion Hospital, DPH CPS, Mumbai, MBBS, Mumbai University MGM Medical college, Alumni of TISS Certificate Hospital Administration, Alumni of Health System Strengthening (HSS) course Nossal Institute University of Melbourne, Alumni of WHO course on clinical management of HIV/AIDS , Bamrasnaradun Hospital, Thailand, WASH in Health course Emory and UNICEF , global steering committee member Emory University and UNICEF , was a member of Chief Ministers Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on COVID-19 response & infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Reduction in Madhya Pradesh. At West Bengal I am part of the TAG for reduction of Maternal mortality . I am also part of the national technical advisory group (TAG) to strengthen Paediatric ICUs and Centre of Excellence (PICU & PCOE) SOPS. 20 years of Public Health experience of which over 19 years has been in the UN systems – UNFPA and UNICEF India in various states. Currently I am the Health specialist at UNICEF West Bengal. I started my career as a PG Resident , Sion Hospital, Dharavi Urban Health Centre-3 years, HIV/AIDS clinical research-4.5 years, as Care Support & STI specialist Avert Society USAID-Avert Project Maharashtra-4.5 years, National program officer UNFPA Delh-2.5 years, Health & HIV Specialist UNICEF Tamil Nadu & Kerala-4.5 years, Health Specialist managing RMNCHA programs in UNICEF Madhya Pradesh-9 years, moved to WB as Health specialist UNICEF Nov 2022. I have a few publications to my credit Journal of HIV /AIDS, Elseviers textbook of dermatology on Opportunistic infections on HIV/AIDS. I have Piloted Integrated Management of Paediatric Care & treatment (IMPACT) module, Pneumonia Diarrhoea Skills based management SoPS in Madhya Pradesh in partnership with PGIME Chandigarh , AIIMS Bhopal and Dept of Health GoMP, contributed to MoHFW- SAANS Module on pneumonia management, skills-based SoP, British medical Journal South Asia on- Quality Improvement at different levels of health care delivery systems. I am Passionate advocate on maternal and child rights, pre-service training, nursing and medical education and skilling to enable, reaching the unreached most vulnerable women and children, quality of care, immunization, primary health care, evidence based practices like, Kangaroo Care, skin to skin, skin to skin care, pediatric ICU management, SNCU management, Breast feeding and IMNCI and diarrhoea pneumonia prevention and management protocols , LaQshya, Quality Improvement and MusQan and strengthening primary health care systems for quality RMNCHA services, for the most in need and vulnerable urban and rural poor.
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