Spotlight: Leadership Journey Cohort
The Leadership Journey Cohorts consists of leaders who are at the forefront of global health. Here are their latest publications and work.

Amy Lin is recognized on 2021 Agile Top 50 List for her leadership of USAID’s Center for Innovation and Impact
Lin has been named as one of Apolitical’s Agile 50 leaders in navigating disruption this year and driving agility in governments, regulation and policymaking across the globe. In the past year, USAID's CII partnered with companies to strengthen Covid vaccine supply chains, mapped digital solutions in 20 countries that can respond to COVID needs, and helped catalyse a working capital fund to keep private clinics open across five sub-Saharan African countries.

Monique Vledder was a featured panelist at “Reclaim the Gains: Addressing COVID-19’s secondary health crisis for women, children and adolescents” event
The panel, co-hosted by Devex and the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF), explored the importance of protecting essential health services for the most vulnerable populations and how countries can strengthen their health systems and build resilience for future pandemics. Watch the panel event (starts around the 25-minute mark) here.

Hema Budaraju launched Google Maps tool that helps users in India access Covid testing and vaccination sites
Budaraju and her team at Google launched a tool in partnership with India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to help users locate Covid testing centers, hospital resources and vaccination sites. Across Google Search, Maps, and Google Assistant, people are now able to access information about vaccine & dose availability, as well as book appointments. Read more about the new tool here and its coverage in The Times of India here.

Aurélie Brunie and Kate Rademacher co-authored paper analyzing contraceptive adoption in Nigeria and Zambia
Brunie (2021 Cohort Member) and Rademacher (2020 Cohort Member) co-authored an article in The Lancet Global Health. The report summarizes insights from the Gates-funded LEAP project among users of the hormonal IUD, copper IUD and implants in Nigeria and Zambia. Key findings showed high continuation and satisfaction rates after 12 months of use across all long-acting reversible contraceptive methods including the hormonal IUD.

Mila Nepomnyashchiy published report about CAF-Africa’s PPE delivery efforts during COVID-19
Nepomnyashchiy recently launched a report with CAF-Africa: Protecting the Community Health Workforce During COVID-19: Getting PPE to the last mile. This report details how the COVID-19 Action Fund for Africa (CAF-Africa), a venture that Nepomnyashchiy helped direct at the onset of COVID-19, delivered PPE to health workers and lays out recommendations for the future.

Liz Turner published study assessing the potential to overstate impact in cluster randomized trials
Turner recently published a paper in the Lancet Global Health that studies how clinical trial results may overstate the potential benefits of health interventions. Turner and fellow researchers found that more than 80% of published results from cluster randomized trials, a type of trial common in global health, did not follow international standards for data reporting, leaving them open to misinterpretation. Read the study here.